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The Ultimate Guide to SD Card Data Recovery: How to Easily Retrieve Lost Files

SD Card

Everybody knows what to do if they unintentionally erase a file. Simply restore the file by going to the Recycle Bin. However, what would happen if you lost a whole partition on your USB drive or SD card?

Losing a partition with crucial data can be rather devastating, regardless of whether you made a mistake when establishing the Data Doctor Recovery Memory Card new partition or your SD card became infested with viruses. You can't recover your deleted files from the computer; it only asks you to format the disc.

How Can You Delete a Partition?

Dead Card

Your SD card or USB device can lose a partition in a number of ways. These are all the primary causes of a deleted partition, ranging from inadvertent errors to system malfunctions.

dividing up 

Erroneously erasing a partition is the most frequent way for it to be lost. But how can a partition be unintentionally deleted? You can't just right-click and erase anything from your hard disc, is it?

It turns out that deleting a partition is not at all difficult. All it takes to create a new partition is a single click, say, during an OS reinstallation. Another tool that works directly with partitions is disc management, which also makes it simple to remove an existing partition in order to make a new one.

This kind of partition removal only "forgets" where the old data is stored instead of erasing it. To retrieve your files, use a data recovery programme.

Partition Table Error 


It's likely that data corruption caused your partition to vanish if you haven't erased it. This has numerous causes. Possible causes include a software bug, an abrupt power outage, or improper removal of the SD card (or USB).

Even though a few corrupted files can be harmful, they typically do not contain enough damage to wipe out an entire sector. However, the partition table of the system itself may occasionally become corrupted. This renders the entire partition and all of its contents unavailable to the operating system.

The corruption, however, just impacts the filing system; your files are most likely still in tact. Recovering all of your data is feasible if you use the appropriate techniques. If there aren't many industries impacted, CHKDSK 



 Malware is yet another major factor in data loss. Certain viruses that are very harmful can even begin erasing disc partitions.

This is problematic since it's difficult to restore malware-damaged partitions. Recovering your data from the lost partition is your only option.

Like damaged partitions, file tables are typically the target of viruses. This indicates that with a data recovery programme, you have a good possibility of recovering your lost data.

Poor Sectors


The lifespan of USB sticks and SD cards is finite. Even though contemporary storage media are made to be incredibly durable, eventually their lifespan comes to an end and they lose the ability to store data.

The disk's sectors begin to go "bad" at that point. Memory Card Data Recovery The logical storage units in any type of memory device are called sectors. Typically, a partition divides its files across several sectors.

There is a maximum number of read/write cycles for each sector. Data cannot be kept on them after these cycles are finished. Furthermore, the loss of these sectors' system files could conceal the entire disc. Bad sectors can typically be fixed by the error-checking tool.

How to Get the Partition of a Deleted SD Card or USB Drive Back 

USB Port

Recovering a deleted partition is not that hard, despite what you might think. A lost partition typically results from problems with the file system itself, as opposed to destroyed files. This indicates that your data is typically unaltered. Memory Card Data Recovery Software

With the correct method, you may restore your data from an SD card formatted in either NTFS or FAT.



Numerous web publications view the attrib command as the answer to every storage media problem. The command line appears to be able to recover lost files, erased partitions, and corrupted hard drives.

Regretfully, that is untrue. The ability to modify file attributes is the only purpose of the attrib command. This is typically used in practice to display hidden files.  Memory Card Data Recovery Software For Pc

Rather than erasing the files, some softer viruses just conceal them. The attrib command is ideal if the hidden files are the only reason the data on your disc is missing.

To utilise it, open the command prompt and type the following commands:

attrib -h -r -s /s /d X:\*.*

where X is your SD card's drive letter. The purpose of the other flags is to guarantee that your files are always visible. The division will genuinely vanish if this doesn't work. You will require more effective techniques.

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