8 Ways to Speed Up Your Windows PC

  8 Ways to Speed Up Your Windows Computer

Windows Computer

See our blog article on eight ways to speed up your PC if your laptop or computer is slow. Based on your degree of confidence with PC repair, we have easily arranged the stages in order of difficulty to guide you in choosing the best ones to follow.

1.Install the most recent updates.


New versions of software that incorporate fresh features, performance improvements and security threat updates are often published by software makers. Install all of the updates to Windows and other drivers on your PC to be sure it is current. Click the Check Now button in Start > Settings > Update & Security to view any accessible updates. Install all of the advised updates; this could take several minutes so you may keep using your PC while the updates are being downloaded and installed in background. To finish the installation, your PC might need to be restarted.

2. Manage a virus scan.

virus scan

Ignoring an antivirus tool on your computer could expose it to more viruses and other types of malware, thereby aggravating a slow PC. On the market are various programs accessible. You might like to test the free application Avast. Update the antivirus program once you have downloaded it to guarantee the database has all of the most recent malware definitions.

Run a complete virus scan next to which your PC's filesystem will be scanned whole. Depending on the quantity of files on your computer, the scan can last many hours; but, you can keep using your PC while it is running. You will get advice on how to fix the problems and a report alerting you of any hazards discovered at the end of the scan. To keep your PC free from hazards, you should routinely do a virus scan.

3. Sort the clutter clearly.

Sort the clutter clearly

Your computer may slow down over time if it gets crowded with extraneous files and apps. Nevertheless, we advise creating a backup of your files in case any crucial papers are erased by error before deleting anything. We advise creating at least two backups, one on the cloud—like Google Drive—and one on a tangible device, say an external hard drive.

You can review the files and applications on your computer and delete any that are no longer required once you have created all required backups.

Visit Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a software to remove one you no longer use. Every program you have installed on your computer will be mentioned here. Choose an application you want deleted, then click the Uninstall button. You will get directions on finishing the uninstallation process.


Never delete any Windows operating system files directly or any program files straight-forwardly. This will stop your PC from turning on!

4. Test the disk defragmenter.

disk defragmenter

The files on the hard drive may fragment—that is, break apart—as you use your PC. Because the hard disk must search several locations to put the bits together—this is known as the "seek time"—which causes it to load files more slowly. Disk Defragmenter is a tool in Windows that groups the file bits. Regular (weekly) running of the application can help the hard drive's seek time to get better.

5. Change Windows Again

One can help a slowing down PC to be improved by reseting Windows. Start > Settings > put in the search box "Reset this PC." Under the "Reset this PC" tab, then under "Get started."

Two choices will show up in a conversation window.

    Keep my documents.

    Take everything.

Should you have a backup of your files as advised in Step 3 above, you might wish to select "Remove everything". If not, go for the "Keep my files" choice.

Be patient while the reinstallation is under way; the procedure could take several hours and your PC might restart multiple times.

6. Spring Clean


Essential parts of the computer, fans serve to cool the components and maintain their ideal temperature functioning. Their effectiveness suffers as a result of their inclination over time to choke with dust. Furthermore slowing down components running above ideal temperature can be their result.

Using a vacuum, gently clear any ventilation openings of dust. To blow the dust away, instead use a can of compressed air; be cautious not to blast the dust farther into the PC. If you're really confident, you could open the case of your computer and give it a complete spring clean. If this is the first time you have opened your PC, before doing any cleaning, it would be wise to snap pictures and/or note the wire and component positions in case any come free throughout the procedure.

7. Increase RAM (memory).

Your computer uses random access memory, or RAM, to momentarily save and access data. The PC will save and retrieve data from a paging file instead, kept on the hard drive, when there is not enough RAM to satisfy needs. Since accessing data from the hard disk is slower than from the RAM, the best course of action here is to boost the RAM availability. To find out the kind of RAM your computer takes, open its cover. There might be a vacant space; if so, buy a matching RAM module to the current one (since RAM performs best in pairs). Should an empty slot not exist, purchase a RAM module with more capacity than the current one. If you now have an 8GB stick of RAM, for instance, swap it for a 16GB one.

8. Substitute a solid state drive for the hard drive.

As a final resort, attempt hard disk upgrading if the speed of your PC still hasn't improved after following all the previous guidelines. Since they offer a speedier, more efficient replacement for the conventional hard disk, modern computers are now being delivered with a solid state drive (SSD).

We were rather happy with the outcomes after recently swapping the hard drive of our PC for the Samsung 1TB 870 EVO Solid State Drivel. Unlike minutes, the PC turned on in a matter of seconds, and there was the extra benefit of reduced noise, therefore removing the whirring and clicking sounds connected with the spinning platters of hard drives.

This Samsung SSD supports the Samsung Magician tool, which helps you conveniently clone all the files from your current hard drive onto the SSD. After completion, we could just remove the hard disk and boot the machine from the SSD instead; the copying procedure took around an hour and ten minutes.

If this is not possible for you, or if you are using a laptop, you will also have to buy a USB to SATA hard drive cable (this is a little adapter that plugs into the USB port and lets the files travel from the PC to the SSD).


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